End of Semester Reflection Essay

LDR 101 Course Reflection

After taking LDR 101, my understanding of leadership has changed drastically. I used to think that leadership meant being extroverted, confrontational, and knowing all the answers. Through this course, I learned that leadership comes in different forms.  I realized, for the first time in my life, I could be a leader. For an essay, we wrote about Cronon’s “Only Connect….” The Goals of a Liberal Education, and we reflected on leadership qualities we admired and how those connect to Cronon’s list. An exert from my essay on Cronon and leadership helps me summarize my understanding of the relationship between leadership and a liberal arts education.

“ Competency is an important aspect of leadership because a person leading a group of people should be aware of the issues facing the people. For example, a congressperson should support and advocate for what concerns his or her constituents. This relates to Cronon’s emphasis on having a desire to learn and an ability to listen, empathize and understand.  I believe people need to understand how to get things done in the world. This is important because if we didn’t have effective leaders’ decisions would never be made, and effective leaders know how to get things done in a timely manner. Cronon wrote, “Learning how to get things done in the world in order to leave it a better place is surely one of the most practical and important lessons we can take from our education” (Cronon – Only Connect Page 6).”

I’m becoming more confident and skilled in things such as critical thinking, teamwork, and digital literacy. Making a digital portfolio and doing research papers has improved my digital literacy. Having a development group helped me reflect on how I present myself to people. Writing an article with a group of my peers has taught me invaluable teamwork and writing skills.  I have always struggled with group assignments because I would end up doing the work all by myself but at Agnes, many students are equally avid learners and contributors. Everyone presented a leader, within the math and science fields, to the class and it showed many examples of different leadership styles and how to make themselves heard. Lee Lorch stood his ground on his views of racial segregation and would compromise his beliefs for a job or success. Ben Linder worked in Nicaragua during a volatile time to help provide electricity to small villages. Ben Linder was shot to death by Contra soldiers (funded by the US). I have learned that leadership is standing your ground, not compromising on fundamental values and helping others any way you can.  We had an assignment where we wrote an about me essay which was hard for me because I tend to be reserved and shy.

This class helped me change my views on what a leader is and who is a leader. I started this class thinking I could never be a leader and as I finish the semester, I have changed my perception. I believe that I can be a leader and I know what my strengths are, and I know where I need to improve on. My understanding of leadership now is respect, giving support, constructive feedback and having humility.

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